Hi friends and ladies…
I will not take much time of your and come to t
he points. As,
now this is 04th month of your pregnancy and you are overcome from
the extra care, and precaution of first three months which were crucial in terms of cautions and precautions. Now you will be feel little comfortless than
the three months. The discomforts felt during the first three months may not
vanish or finish suddenly, but it will go down slowly and slightly and you will
take more breath than those three months. In this 04th month you
will see sudden changes in your body and in your growing baby too. Now this is
the time start from when you would have a span of appointments with your gynecologist.
What Socio-changes
would be:-
1- You will feel better than first three months of your pregnancy.
The morning sickness and dizziness will be going downwards and you will be cool
and calm.
2- Your body will feel uncomfortable with your regular clothing
and desires the maternity clothing.
3-You will switch to larger and airy / comfortable
cloths in which your muscles and skin feel comfortable and off-course your
growing baby too.
4-After the first check up in the third month, your doctor
will go for an ultrasound scan. And after hearing your baby’s heartbeat with
our ear in the previous month, this new scan will be a kind of dream for you
and it will be a life time experience of parenting.
5-You don’t know at this time you will feel full of joy
and euphoria of having a baby and your family will
now treat you like a queen.
What changes in
the body:-
1- You will experience mixed and significant changes. As there
would be lots of changes in your womb and eventually there would be many and
predominant physical changes would occur in your body.
2- You will fell more energized. Try to spend your most of the
time with your life partner.
3- A hormone named progesterone hits your pelvic muscles to get relaxed and eventually it forces you to be relaxed and lazy. You feel a relaxed and lazy body in the 04th month of your pregnancy. A feeling of heaviness is frequent as your tummy feels mostly full.
4- Your tummy will be having some significant changes. You will
see your stomach gets rounder with a wider waist and a small pot around your
5- Breast size gets bigger, rounder and fuller, which means
they are now ready to produce the lactation incoming after delivery. You will see
your chest / bosom stand out in a conspicuous way. The nausea and dizziness may
be lesser than before, but you will continue the same on and off as they come
and go.
What changes in growing baby:-
You must know that there would be massive changes in your growing baby. This little
champ is not more as a fetus. Your baby will now see some rapid progress.
- Its eyes will now get their original place means
they will shift from the neck to the sides of its head.
The baby’s limbs are now functional and moving.
His nervous system is now working.
He/she will kick you on your womb. It’s his/her external
responses. Try to punch your bump with finger slightly and feel your baby react
with a slight jerk.
Your baby’s facial features/ changes will now
start to develop.
If you do ultrasound, you will find that the
neck is getting longer and the chin will be visible.
He/she gets fine hair called Lanugo. The
eyebrows and hair will start growing by the mid month.
Its ready to give his/her fingerprint to the CID
/ FBI to help them to investigate a crime.
Oh ! yes, he/she is ready to suck his / her thumb.
Precautions during 04th Month your Pregnancy:
Generally, people think that the first three months must get extra
precautions, that’s right but 04th month is also very important. You
will now have to take more precautions when doing the regular work at your
home. There are few Do’s and Don’ts that you will have to note and obey during your
4th month of pregnancy.
Medicines: Take the necessary medicines prescribed by
your doctor. Don’t forget it.
Look at Your Weight: What you eat is more important than how much you
eat. You must adopt a healthy & balanced diet. Excessive eating will not
help your baby’s grow faster or better in any manner. Eating right food in
right manner will be your new rule in your pregnancy life.
Fitness and Exercise: At this time if you must do some light exercise
guided by some professionals or by your doctor. It is very useful so that you
can have a hassle free and less painful delivery ahead.
Nasal Congestion: In this month you will feel your nose bleeds, blocked
ears, stuffy nose etc since there is an increased blood supply to your mucous
Maternity Clothing: As I mentioned your body will ask you for more
comfortable clothing, you obey it and wear some large and airy cloths.
Sleep your Left Side: Start it now. It will help you to digest the food
in your tummy and provide the necessary items to your baby to grow.
Breathing Exercises: You must do some kind of breathing exercise like
yoga. Talk to a Yoga expert who will teach some fine-tuned breathing techniques
that can be practiced during pregnancy.
Although there are same Don’ts as in third month of your
pregnancy but I would like to add one more in this section so that take fine care
of you and your growing baby and that is-
No Stress Zone: You are yet to reach the stage of a
bigger bump; any physical or mental stress definitely will face you. Avoid
lifting heavy objects, sleeping on your tummy and engaging in strenuous
activities. Your baby is now growing rapidly you must take a calm rest to your
body and to your baby as well.
So enjoy the feeling of your 04th month and your little one inside.
I wish you all the very best!!
I hope this article will help you a lot and you liked my
views on 04th month’s pregnancy. Please like it and must comment.
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