Thursday, 31 May 2018

Eighth month of your pregnancy

Your diet should focus on the health of the coming child in the third trimester of pregnancy. You should take such a diet that gives you 450 extra calories per day. Meaning to eat a limited amount! It is better to eat a lot more than once at a time that you eat a little bit in the short run for the whole day so that it can get complete nutrition for your child's development. In this situation of pregnancy, you should take these foods:

1. Iron and protein rich foods:
The third stage of pregnancy requires additional iron so that there is no problem of anemia, hemorrhage during delivery. You get 27 mg per day Iron is required. By consuming red meat, beans, eggs, seeds and chaval (Rice), you can meet the requirement of iron and protein. Amino acids that are found in proteins are helpful in the rapid development of the child.

2. Calcium-rich diet:
Calcium is very important during pregnancy; However, it becomes more important in the third stage of pregnancy because calcium now starts in the body of the child. According to experts, you get 1,000 mg per day Calcium is required. Calcium is found abundant in dairy products like milk, yogurt and food products such as oatmeal and salmon.

3. Magnesium-rich foods: 
Magnesium is helpful in digestion of calcium consumed by you and relaxes you from the scalp of the paralysis, relaxes the muscles and prevents premature labor. You get at least 350 to 400 mg per day Magnesium should be consumed. Almonds, oatbran, black beans (black beans), barley, beetroot, pumpkin seeds etc. are good sources of magnesium.

4. DHA-rich foods: 
DHA is a fatty acid that is helpful in proper development of your child's brain. According to experts, its 200 mg per day. Quantity should be consumed. You get DHA from milk, eggs and juice.

5. Folic acid:
It is very necessary for pregnant women to take folic acid before pregnancy and during pregnancy. During the third trimester, folic acid is helpful in reducing the risk of your baby's neural tube defect. Folic acid is found in oatmeal, cabbage or green leafy vegetables and fruits such as strawberries and oranges etc. You get 600-800 mg per day Amount of intake should be consumed daily.

6. Food containing fiber:
In the third trimester of pregnancy, there is often a problem of constipation. To avoid this, you should eat more fiber rich foods. You should include vegetables, fruits, pulses and whole grains in your diet. Do not forget that the water of your digestive tract is absorbed very quickly by fiber, so take plenty of water and other fluids to meet this shortage in the body.

7. Foods containing Vitamin C:
To ensure that the iron you are consuming is being absorbed by your body, you should consume foods containing Vitamin C. Vitamin C contains citrus fruits such as melons, lemon and orange and green chili and broccoli etc.

What should not be eaten in 07th month? 
Third trimester of pregnancy may cause heartburn, swelling in hands and feet, fatigue and constipation, etc. To avoid these symptoms, remove some substances from your diet. This will reduce your inconvenience and will also provide proper nutrition to your child ... Do not consume these foods during the seventh month of pregnancy:

1. High Fat and Spicy Foods: To avoid the problem of Heartburn, you should stay away from fried foods containing fat too much. You should stay away from spicy foods which may cause heartburn problems. According to experts, you should eat very lightly at night.

2. Foods containing sodium: Drinking excessive amount of fluids could prevent stomach inflammation and problems like swelling. You should eat plenty of liquids. It is very important to consume less amount of sodium, so stay away from more salt-containing foods such as chips, ketchup, canned foods, pickles and sauces.

3. Caffeine, Alcohol and Tobacco: It is not necessary to tell that during the entire pregnancy all these substances should not be consumed at all. Caffeine-containing beverages can be a problem of constipation, which may make you feel uncomfortable, especially in this stage of pregnancy, so stay away from all these substances. Alcohol and tobacco are very harmful for your child's health, so if possible, leave it.

4. Junk Food: It is ok to eat a small quantity of junk food if desired, although it should be taken care that it does not eat much. Processed food does not contain nutrients. It is good that you make healthy snacks like carat sticks, whole grains sandwiches etc. at home. In this way your stomach will also be filled and your baby will also get nutrients and its development will also be healthy.

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The End

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